Giant covalent structures can also be called macromolecules.
Diagram showing the structure and bonding arrangement in diamond
Properties of Diamond
Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring mineral, but it is by no means the strongest. Students often confuse hard with strong, thinking it is the opposites of weak. Diamonds are hard, but brittle – that is, they can be smashed fairly easily with a hammer. The opposite of saying a material is hard is to describe it as soft.
The structure and bonding in graphite
Properties of Graphite
The structure n bonding in C60 fullerene - the football shaped molecule
Don’t confuse pencil lead with the metal lead – they have nothing in common. Pencil lead is actually graphite, and historical research suggests that in the past, lead miners sometimes confused the mineral galena (lead sulfide) with graphite; since the two looked similar they termed both minerals ‘lead’.The word graphite derives from the Latin word ‘grapho’ meaning ‘I write’, so it is a well named mineral!
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